Opportunities and Challenges of Connected Intelligence by 6G

Dr. Peiying Zhu, Senior Vice President of Wireless Research, is a Huawei Fellow, IEEE Fellow and Fellow of Canadian Academy of Engineering. She is currently leading 5G beyond and 6G wireless research and standardization in Huawei. The focus of her research is advanced radio access technologies.

At the first edition of the 6G Wireless Foundations Forum (6GWFF), hosted by EURECOM’s Communication Systems Department on 1-2 July 2021, she spoke about 'Connected Intelligence by 6G: Opportunities and Challenges'. The video from the talk is embedded at the bottom of the post.

The following is the abstract of the talk:

Even though 5G is at the early stage of large scale commercialization, many researchers, companies, government organizations, alliances etc. have been looking beyond 5G and started to envision the next generation of wireless system: definition, use cases, requirements, new services, enabling technologies etc. 

Traditionally, ITU-R lead the activities to study technology trend and vision for the next new generation mobile system. It initiated technology trend study in 2020 and vision study in this year. 5G aims to connect everything in addition to connect everyone, we envision that 6G will connect intelligence in addition to connection people and things. 

We predict that 6G will be the platform for connected intelligence, where the mobile network connects vast amounts of intelligent devices and connects them intelligently. Through artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML), we will be able to build a real-time connection between the physical and digital worlds, allowing us to capture, retrieve, and access larger amounts of information and knowledge in real time and thus make the connected world a connected intelligence. 

As society moves towards the Intelligence of Everything, 6G will be the key to proliferating AI, delivering intelligence to every person, home, car, and business. This talk will first present an overall vision of 6G and its opportunities, followed by potential technologies/research directions and associated challenges.

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