Video and Slides from Thinknet 6G Summit 2022

Thinknet 6G is a think tank and network community for all organizations and stakeholders worldwide who are interested in any aspect of 6G. They are funded by the Bavarian Ministry of Economic Affairs, Regional Development and Energy. It is hosted at Bayern Innovativ GmbH, the innovation agency for the free state of Bavaria in Germany.

Thinknet 6G aims to stimulate networking and exchange within the wireless industry, and between the wireless industry and other sectors who are important use cases for 6G. Their flagship event, the Thinknet 6G Summit, is an annual international congress focussed on 6G research and development. The second Thinknet-6G Summit 2022 took place on Friday, September 16, 2022 in the Highlight Towers in Munich, Germany with more than 250 on-site and online participants. It was organized by the Thinknet-6G platform operated by Bayern Innovativ. The Thinknet-6G platform is chaired by Prof. Wolfgang Kellerer (TUM-LKN) and Peter Merz (Nokia) and directed by Kimberly Trommler (Bayern Innovativ).

You can find the agenda details here. The videos and the slides from the event are available here.

In this post, I am sharing a presentation by Eiman Mohyeldin, Head of Spectrum Standardization, Strategy and Technology at Nokia. She is also the drafting group chair of the vision and usage group at the ITU-R where she leads the group responsible for developing the ITU's vision for 6G in addition she is the chair of the 6G spectrum team at the GSA, the Global Mobile Suppliers Association.

The slides from her presentation are available here.

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