The ITU Kaleidoscope events aim to increase the dialogue between experts working on the standardization of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) and academia. By viewing technologies through a Kaleidoscope, these forward looking events will also seek to identify new topics for standardization. The objective is to hold these events once a year in different parts of the world.
The ITU Kaleidoscope academic conference 2022: " Extended reality - How to boost quality of experience and interoperability" took place in Accra, Ghana, 7-9 December 2022. Kaleidoscope 2022, fourteenth in a series of peer-reviewed academic conferences organized by ITU, called for original academic papers sharing insight into ongoing projects and research relevant to the development and widespread adoption of extended realities, as well as new possibilities and associated challenges appearing on the horizon. Particularly, this conference encouraged submissions on how standards can help boost quality of experience and interoperability in extended realities.
Accepted and presented papers are published in the Conference Proceedings and have been submitted for inclusion in the IEEE Xplore Digital Library. The 2022 Proceedings of the conference contain nine papers that were selected by the Technical Programme Committee on the basis of double-blind reviews, with the help of over 40 subject matter experts from leading academic and research institutions worldwide; one extended abstract of the video demonstration track, one keynote paper, three keynote summaries and one invited paper that were peer-reviewed by the Kaleidoscope 2022 Steering Committee.
The proceedings can be downloaded from here [PDF].
The conference agenda and presentations are available here.
Of note are the presentations on:
- 'Metaverse interoperability with composability in hyper-connected and hyper-personalized virtual environments' by Junseong Bang, ETRI, Republic of Korea (link)
- 'A survey of Extended Reality (XR) standards' by Gillian Makamara and Martin Adolph, Telecommunication Standardization Bureau, ITU (link)
- 'Exploring the realverse: Building, deploying, and managing QoE in XR communications' by Pablo Pérez, Lead Scientist, eXtended Reality Lab, Nokia, Spain (link)
The paper by Nokia in the conference proceedings describe Realverse as an approach where physically distant people can interact as if they were in the same physical space. This can be achieved by implementing a distributed reality (DR) solution, including four fundamental elements: remote presence, embodied interaction, visual communication, and shared immersion. The paper goes on to elaborate:
The study of the realverse (or DR) is interesting from two points of view. In the first place because, in the same way that voice and video calls have established themselves as two of the main communications applications today, the “XR call” will be the natural evolution of them, once that the necessary technology reaches a sufficient level of accessibility. And, on the other hand, because DR is a variant of XR focused on communications between systems, which therefore makes intensive use of communications networks. The analysis of the realverse requirements will allow us to design and dimension the 5G and beyond-5G (B5G) networks necessary to support future XR-based services.
Let us know if I missed anything important about the conference.
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