5GIC/6GIC Overview and Activities

Earlier in June, the Open vRAN vendor Rakuten Symphony hosted a "Telecom Reinvented" event in London. Appledore Research blog has a nice short summary post of the event here. Quoting from the post:

Prof Rahim Tafazolli from the University of Surrey, Europe’s largest academic telecom research team provided a view of what’s waiting in the wings once 5G finally takes a bow. It’s satellites, it’s sensory, it’s 6G, it’s 3D, it’s more AI (of course), and much else besides – did I really hear teleportation? Nonetheless, the Surrey unit’s close links with industry should help weed out the theoretical from the real world usable before things get too over-excited.

I have covered some of these topics on this blog (see related posts 👇). Anyway, Prof. Rahim's talk is embedded below. As the slides are difficult to see, I have the slides embedded below as well.



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